This is a first artconcept of a new proyect in a 1/35 model.
Diferents details of forniture sub.
More progress .
Well it´s ready to paint job.
First step the primer paint black matt whith red.
then i adedd some old gold...
Now i start with the weatering process , made a cooper patina and paint all...
Two hands it`s enougth , when it`s dray i retired some cooper patina with water and hard brush .Now start with the oils..
and this is the end.
You can order now in estudio.mgn@gmail .com.
KRAKEN SUB kit ---------------- 50€ + shiping.
(it`s advanced kit not for beguinners , all pieces are plasticard and pvc , basic plasticard modellation manual and tool guide included).
for any question or dude write me at